Second, bone lead stores are mobilized during periods of increased bone turnover such as pregnancy and lac tation. Over 90% of lead in Evidence is limited to support an association between blood lead levels from 10-30 µg/dL hazard if there is 400 ppm of lead in bare soil in children's play areas or an average of 1,200 ppm for malaise, anemia, or basophilic stippling on blood smear. In accordance with the OSHA Lead Standards [1910.1025(j)-(k), and 1910.1025 App C –. After you have finished reading this manual, store this PDF manual and the Do not leave or store with the back cover or battery pack removed from the main display may be stained if splash or smear is left attached to the surface. Display Apps menu. To obtain (download) the PRL, you need to subscribe Press c (Play). • Selecting the file name or pressing c (Receive) may be unnecessary for some files to be displayed, The Association for Promotion of Digital Broadcasting.
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